Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want My Future Children to Read

Hello again! Imagine, two posts back-to-back, in the same week?! This is insanity! ;)

Well, I'm back again with another Top Ten Tuesday (a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish). This week's theme is Books I Want My Future Children to Read. Let's dive right in.

1. Canadian classic. Everyone should read this one!

2. Literally anything by Roald Dahl - love him! But Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a must! Also, James and the Giant Peach! :D

3. I was "not allowed" to read Harry Potter growing up, but I wasn't that interested anyway. Reading the books as an adult, I loved them. I've got my younger nephew reading them, and I certainly wouldn't force them on a child, but if my kids wanted to read them, I wouldn't discourage them!

4. The Little House series is another must, for sure!

5. Anything by Robert Munsch. In all honesty, Love You Forever is more for the moms, but it's a good one for the little kids, as well, I think! (P.S. Do not read the reviews on Goodreads, they will ruin it for you...)

6. I read Wonder this year, and I'm pretty sure this will be a forced read for my kids. This should be required reading in every middle school.
7. I loved Amelia Bedelia and her antics :)

8. My brother and I both enjoyed these as kids. For some reason, we were allowed to read these... I'm thinking my dad didn't  know what they were about... lol

9. Who doesn't love that silly little monkey?

10. Absolutely, definitely, without a doubt, the Magic School Bus series. If not the books, they will have to watch the shows, because these stories were entertaining, educational, and got our minds working and asking questions!


  1. I love so many of these, especially Harry Potter. Great list!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Magic School Bus! Yes! This is a good list. I approve of it. :)

  3. Harry Potter was on my list this week too!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/top-ten-tuesday-133/
