Monday, March 6, 2017

It's Monday! What are YOU reading? #2

Hey guys! I'm here with another It's Monday! What are YOU reading? post, hosted by The Book Date! I also just published a summary of the progress I made in February toward my 2017 reading goal, which you can check out here!

So, last week I finished Ever the Hunted (so awesome, I really liked it and can't wait for the sequel!), and this week I am reading Caraval by Stephanie Garber, and still working away at Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery.

Caraval is amazing, I am so in love with the world of the game! It is so strange, marvellous, magical, mysterious...! And, up to this point, I am enjoying the characters and the pace of the story (I'm a little over halfway through).

Anne of Avonlea is just way less interesting and adventurous so I am not as into it, but I am trying to make an effort to bring this book with me when I go places (not difficult since it is pocket-size paperback - I find it awkward to haul around hardcover books, do you?), and to read during my lunch hour (not that I often do read over lunch - we are a small staff who eats together so I feel rude to get up in the middle of lunch to go read alone at my desk...).

Anyway, so that's what I'm reading this week! I'm not sure what will be up next. I did prepare a TBR list for March, but I try to keep it small to give myself freedom for my whims. Do you find that sometimes when you finish a certain type of book, you either want to immediately jump into another book just like it, or else you want to read something completely different? Both happen to me, so we'll see how Caraval leaves me feeling...


  1. It's been a long time since I read the Anne of Green Gables series...but I'm wondering how I'd feel to read them now.

    I've been noticing Caraval everywhere!

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I had never read the Anne books before (shame on me?). I liked the first one, but I'm afraid the others are going to be a real struggle.
      Thanks! I left you a comment :)

  2. That's interesting! I'm a reading planner, so I like to know what my next few books will be. I try to really mix them up and move from one genre to another.

    I've heard good things about Caraval, so I hope you love the rest of it!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I try to make a plan, but I rarely stick to it, I just end up picking up random books instead.

  3. Caracal has piqued my interest. Enjoy your week!

    1. It's really good, you should give it a go! Thank you, hope you're having a good week too!

  4. Oh, Ever the Hunted looks so great! And yeah, Caraval looks so great! Seems like a great week! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!
